Movies Plus is a streaming platform providing exceptional entertainment from big studio films, to small independent movies, and original content, while simultaneously granting freedom to all points of view and protecting each individual’s right to their own voice.
To access all features and content you can subscribe to Movies Plus on a monthly or yearly basis with an auto-renewing subscription right inside the app.* Pricing can vary by region and will be confirmed before purchase in the app. In app subscriptions will automatically renew at the end of their cycle.
* All payments will be paid through your iTunes Account and may be managed under Account Settings after the initial payment. Subscription payments will automatically renew unless deactivated at least 24-hours before the end of the current cycle. Your account will be charged for renewal at least 24-hours prior to the end of the current cycle. Cancellations are incurred by disabling auto-renewal.
Terms of Service: Privacy Policy:
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